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COVID-19 What we are doing

Hey all,

These certainly are trying times for so many out there, businesses and individuals alike. We have had some questions regarding COVID-19 and what we here at ATEC are doing. As of right now we are still up and running but taking precautions to help keep the safety of our ATEC family as well as the safety of our customers. Being a wholesale master distributor, we provide the product needed to keep a lot of necessary establishments moving forward. Some folks may not know, but evaporative cooling and the products we distribute are used in a lot of applications, from agriculture to data centers, even some hospitals and other lifesaving facilities.

Evaporative cooling and humidification are used in many necessary applications, to help keep potatoes, onions, and other food products fresh in storage, to keep cattle cool on dairy and feed farms, to keep chickens producing in chicken farms, to keep greenhouses humidified for growing the food we all need to keep going. Evaporative cooling is also used to keep data centers up and running so that we can continue our quarantine games. That is a very small tip of where evaporative cooling is used there really are so many ways to have a cool day, even from your couch.

As mentioned, before we are staying open as we want to do all in our power to support the amazing industries that keep going so that we can stay home and keep going as well. At ATEC we are doing all in our power to keep everyone safe with strict cleaning rules, we have put into place a mandatory cleaning plan at our warehouse. We are practicing social distancing, closed door to unauthorized personnel, and we have a much smaller workforce on site. We will continue to keep you all up to date as things continue, but we are open and ready to take care of your evaporative cooling needs and help keep things rolling.

As we all continue to weather this storm together we wish to show gratitude for all individuals doing their part, from those who are in the medical and science fields, we thank you for your continued work, diligence, and care and wish blessings of strength to you all. To the truck drivers, mail, and others in delivery services we thank you for your hours of driving and keeping the life force of this nation moving. To the farmers and agricultural workers, thank you for keeping the food we all need to survive growing, we know your work is hard, but you never stop, and for that we are grateful. To welders, the electricians, waste management, grocery store workers, and all you other amazing folks, keep up the good work and stay safe. For everyone else who is heeding the call to stay in and stay safe, we also thank you for doing your part to keep things safe. This is not easy but as we work together, we can overcome some pretty incredible things! It really does take a village to make things happen. We obviously cannot thank everyone individually but know you are all in our thoughts and our prayers.

Thank you for reading and, as always, we hope you…

Have a cool day!

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